It happened on OCTOBER 18


In 1859, Henry Bergson was born in Paris. He was a French philosopher who was an exponent of spiritualism and won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1927. He developed a philosophy that interpreted the evolutionary development of the universe in terms of a spiritualistic point of view open toward transcendence.

In 1871, Charles Babbage died in London. He was an English mathematician, physician, engineer, and inventor. In particular, he worked on probabilistic calculations, laying the foundation for the eventual construction of calculating machines. In 1824, he was offered the chance to manage a life insurance company; however, noting that, based on probabilistic calculations, the profitability of the undertaking would favor the clients, he turned it down. He then published his findings regarding his calculations as applied to the insurance industry. He also wrote an apologetic work and studied the miracles in the Bible.

Pascual Jordan was born in Hannover. He was a German theoretical physicist who collaborated with Werner Heisenberg, and he also worked on biophysics. He wrote works on the relationship between religion and science, among them Der Naturwissenschaftler vor der religiösen Frage (1963).


Interdisciplinary Encyclopedia of Religion and Science

The Encyclopedia, published by the Centro di Documentazione Interdisciplinare di Scienza e Fede operating at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, provides new, scholarly articles in the rapidly growing international field of Religion and Science (ISSN: 2037-2329). INTERS is a free online encyclopedia.

Anthology and Documents

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