IAU members vote a resolution to recommend renaming the Hubble Law as the Hubble-Lemaître law. More information.
400 years from the Discovery of Kepler's Third Law
Kepler's Third Law and the "Harmonices Mundi" by Alessandro Giostra (2018)
Suggested Readings:
Kepler's View on Biblical Exegesis in "Astronomia Nova" (1609)
Astronomy and Speculation into the Celestial Harmonies (1619)
Prayers to God Creator in "Harmonies of the World" (1619)
Romano Guardini: 50 years from his death
Romano Guardini: a look to the future, by Francisco Fernández Labastida (2018)
Suggested readings:
Man and Technique (1925)
Faith and Reason in Blaise Pascal’s Memorial (1935)
The Persistence of Christian Signs in a Secularized Society (1950)
March 14, 2018: Stephen Hawking left us
One of the most renowned scientists of the XX century died in Cambridge, by Giuseppe Tanzella Nitti
See the special issue of Nature dedicated to Stephen Hawking
A letter from the PCC Assembly has been delivered to Pope Francis on November 24 2017 requesting the revision of the Monitum (1962) on the works of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. (Read more)
700 years from the birth of St. Bonaventure
The Philosophy of St. Bonaventure On Creation, Etienne Gilson (1938)
The six forms of Light unified in the unique divine creation, from On the Reduction of the Arts to Theology (1255-1257)
On the Steps of Ascension into God and on the Sight of Him Through His Vestiges in the Universe, from The Journey of the Mind into God (1259)
On the Sight of God in His Vestiges in the Sensible World, from The Journey of the Mind into God (1259)
"The Language of God": on the bestseller book written in 2006 by the head of the Human Genome Project
Selected texts from The Language of God. A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief:
- What I Ask to Believers and Scientists
- Cristianity's Reasons of Credibility for a Scientist
God vs. Science, R. Dawkins and F. Collins interviewed by D. Cray (2006)
The Scientist as Believer, Francis Collins interviewed by J. Horgan (2009)
What is the BioLogos Project?
Joseph Ratzinger's 90 years: suggested readings between Faith and Reason
Reflections on the Foundations of Law, Visit to the Bundestag, Berlin (2011)
Discourse and Homily for the Beatification of John Henry Newman, London - Birmingham (2010)
Lecture prepared for the visit to the University "La Sapienza", Rome (2008)
Speech delivered at the Catholic University of America, Washington (2008)
The Truth of Christianity, Lecture given at the University of Sorbonne, Paris (1999)
Christmas readings
On the difference between Platonists and Christianity concerning the doctrine of the Logos, Confessions, Book VII, c. 9, Augustine of Hippo (397-400)
The design of God in the incarnation, Sermons, XXII, 1-2, Leo the Great (461)
The Christmas Sun, Hugo Rahner (1963)
He became a man, Benedict XVI (2013)
Einstein and Lemaître: 50° Anniversary of George's Lemaître's death (1849-1966) and 100 years of Albert Einstein's General Relativity (1916)
Einstein and Lemaître, two friends, two cosmologies..., by Dominique Lambert
When I met Albert Einstein, by George Lemaître (1957)
Relativity, theory of, by Alberto Strumia
The Pius XII - Lemaître Affair (1951-1952) on Big Bang and Creation, by G. Tanzella-Nitti
VIDEO - Atv5: Georges Lemaitre, Monseigneur Big Bang
IV Centenary of the Index Congregation's Decree on Heliocentrism (1616)
- Congregation for the Index: N. Copernicus' De Revolutionibus "is suspended until corrected", the Official Text of the Decree, March 5, 1616
- What about the 1616 Decree? A historical and philosophical comment, by Rafael Martinez
- At the roots of the 1616 Decree: Robert Bellarmino's letter to Paolo Foscarini (1615), by Luca Arcangeli
- Roman Clouds: on Galileo's third trip to Rome (December 1615 - June 1616), by William R. Shea
- Galileo, for Copernicanism and for the Church, a historical report around the publication of the Decree, by Annibale Fantoli (1996)
A Global Lab. Religion among Scientists in International Context.
The Rainbow between Science and Religion
On the Physics of Rainbow, by Federica Volpi
The Bow in the Clouds: the Biblical Symbolism of the Rainbow, by Filippo Serafini
A Middle Age interpretation of the Rainbow: Robert Grosseteste’s De Iride et Speculo
The Properties of Light to explain the Colours of the Rain-bow, from
I. Newton’s 4th ed. of Opticks (1730)
400° Anniversary of Galileo Galilei’s Letter to Madame Christina of Lorraine (1615)
Galileo Galilei’s Letter to Madame Christina of Lorraine: a reading-guide, by Luca Arcangeli
On the prudence and openness in interpreting sacred Scripture, when biblical passages deal with our knowledge of nature, from Augustine of Hippo, De Genesi ad Litteram (401-405)
What is the Metaphysics of Light?
The Physics of Light between Culture and Nature, by Enrico Giannetto
The Metaphysics of Light (2002), by Caroline Ewa Schültzinger
On Light or the Beginning of Forms: the metaphysics of light according to Robert Grosseteste (1168 ca. -1253)
The six forms of Light unified in the unique divine creation: from Reductio artium in theologiam (1255) by Bonaventure of Bagnoregio
The nature of light in the context of creation: from Thomas Aquinas’ Summa theologiae (1265-1274)
2015: On the International Light Year
Are science and religion compatible or incompatible for the Italians?
The results of a recent survey:
Perception of the Italians about the compatibility between science and faith, by Matteo Bonato, Department of Physics and Astronomy “G. Galilei”, University of Padua, Italy
John Paul II's (1978-2005) Canonization, April 27
2013: Year of Faith
Do Scientists speak of God? A Selection of Texts from the Present and the Past
Charles R. Darwin, A Selection of Letters on God’s Existence and the Theory of Evolution (1860-1879)
Werner K. Heisenberg, Science and Religion (1927)
Theodosius Dobzhanski, Humanism and Humanity (1967)
Allan R. Sandage, Reflections on Religious Belief (1997)
Francis Collins, The Scientist as Believer (2009)
What Scientists Really Think (2010), by Elaine Howard Ecklund
50° Anniversary of the Opening of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965)
Second Vatican Council’s Message to Scientists, December 8, 1965
The Teachings of the Vatican Council II on Faith and Culture: a Concise Introduction and a Selection of Texts, by G. Tanzella-Nitti
The Official English web site on the Year of Faith
2012: 350th Anniversary: Blaise Pascal's Death (1623 - 1662)
Pascal on Faith and Reason: Thoughts beyond the Wager, by Luca Arcangeli
The Inescapable Human Reflection on the Ultimante Questions, from Penseés, fragments B 194 - B 195
Faith and Reason in Blaise Pascal’s Memorial, from R. Guardini, Pascal For Our Time (1935)
Science and Religion in Blaise Pascal's Life, from W.R. Shea, Designing Experiments and Games of Chance (2003)
The complete English text of Pascal's Penseés (Thoughts), from Bartleby Great Books on line
First Centenary of Alan Turing's birth (1912-1954)

John D. Barrow, Computability and Turing Machine, from The World within the World (1988)
A. Turings historical article: Computing Machinery and Intelligence, in Mind (1950)
John Paul II's Beatification, May 1, 2011
John Paul II on Science and Religion: A Deeply Appreciative Reflection, by Robert J. Russell

John Paul II on the relationship between the natural sciences and religious belief: five key discourses, by George V. Coyne
- Discourse to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, to commemorate the centenary of the birth of Albert Einstein, 10 November 1979
- Discourse to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on the occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Academy, 28 October 1986
- Letter to the Rev. G.V. Coyne, Director of the Vatican Observatory, 1 June 1988
- Message to the Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on biological evolution, 22 October 1996
- Encyclical Fides et Ratio, 14 September 1998
In Homage to John Paul II: Thoughts on Science and Religion
John Paul II’s Teachings on Faith, Culture and Scientific Thought on this web site