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Address to the Pontifical Academy of Science

2022, sept 22

Your Eminences,

Dear Brother Bishops,

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen!

I welcome you on this occasion of the Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. Ithank your President, Professor Joachim von Braun, for his kind words. I likewise express mygratitude to Archbishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, who has worked very hard as Chancellor inservice of this Academy and that of the Social Sciences. May the Lord reward him and bestowupon him many blessings. We send him good wishes for his eightieth birthday and for a happyretirement! Now others can take charge. We also welcome the new Chancellor, Cardinal PeterTurkson: thank you for accepting, Your Eminence!The theme of your Plenary Session, “Basic Science for Human Development, Peace, andPlanetary Health”, underlines the key issues facing our human family at this moment in history.Yet first, I would like to answer a question that not a few people are asking: Why did the popes,beginning in 1603, wish to have an Academy of Sciences? As far as I am aware, no otherreligious institution has such an academy, and many religious leaders have expressed an interestin establishing one. Leaving historical hypotheses to others, I would interpret this decision todayin the context of love and care for the common home that God has given us. The Churchembraces and encourages a passion for scientific research as an expression of love for the truthand for knowledge about the world on both the macro and microcosmic levels, and about life in allits symphonic splendour. Saint Thomas Aquinas states that “the end of the whole universe istruth” (Summa contra Gentiles, I,1 ). As part of this universe, we ^ have a uniqueresponsibility, which stems from our ability to wonder and ask “why?” when faced with reality as it is. At the heart of this, then, lies a contemplative attitude, and the complementary task of caring for creation. Dear friends, the theme of your Plenary Session is situated in this same perspective. Looking back on recent years, I gratefully recall PAS’s declarations in the face of various

emergencies, whether concerning food crises and the fight against hunger – in cooperation withthe UN Food Summit – or to do with the health of the oceans and seas, or indeed withstrengthening the resilience of the poor in the case of climate shocks. Important too were yourefforts to help rebuild poor neighbourhoods in a sustainable way making use of the bioeconomy,as well as an equitable response to health problems caused by the Covid pandemic. No lessrelevant is the work to establish international standards for organ donation and organ transplants in the fight against human trafficking, as well as undertakings to promote a new science of medicalrehabilitation for the elderly and the poor. Moreover, I particularly appreciate your efforts toengage science and politics in order to prevent nuclear war and war crimes against civilianpopulations. I congratulate all those who have actively participated in this, especially you,Professor von Braun, for the wisdom and commitment with which you have brought fresh ideasinto the life of the Academy. You have taken up today’s challenges as concrete scientificopportunities, in order to address them by working with scientists who can help to resolve problems. In this Plenary Session, you emphasize “basic science,” which makes available a great deal ofnew knowledge about the Earth, the universe and the place of human beings within it. Icongratulate you because you maintain the goal of connecting basic science with resolving current challenges, of connecting astronomy, physics, mathematics, biochemistry and climate sciences with philosophy in the service of human development, peace and the health of our planet. This interconnected approach is very important because, as scientific achievements increase our awe at the beauty and complexity of nature, there is a growing need for interdisciplinary studies, linked to philosophical reflection, that can lead to new syntheses. This interdisciplinary vision, if it also takes stock of Revelation and theology, can help provide answers to humanity’s ultimate questions, which are also being asked by new, and sometimes disoriented, generations.

Indeed, this century’s scientific achievements must always be directed to the needs of fraternity,justice and peace, and help meet the great challenges facing our human family and our environment. In this sense, too, the Pontifical Academy of Sciences has a unique structure,composition and set of goals, which are always aimed at sharing the benefits of science and technology with the greatest number of people, especially those most disadvantaged and inneed. In this way, it also strives to liberate people from various forms of slavery, such as forcedlabour, prostitution and organ trafficking. These crimes against humanity, which go hand in hand with poverty, also occur in developed countries, in our own cities. The human body, whether inpart or in its entirety, can never be an object of trade! I am pleased that PAS is actively engagedin supporting these goals, and I trust it will continue to do so with ever greater intensitycommensurate with growing needs. In short, the positive results of science in the twenty-first century will depend, to a great extent, onthe ability of scientists to seek the truth and apply discoveries in a way that develops in tandem

with the search for what is right, noble, good and beautiful. I look forward to the results of yourwork, which will also be important for educational institutions and younger generations. Dear Members of the Academy, at this moment in history, I ask you to promote knowledge withthe aim of building peace. After two tragic world wars, it seemed that the world had learned tomove progressively towards respect for human rights, international law and various forms ofcooperation. Unfortunately, history shows signs of regression. Not only are anachronistic conflictsintensifying, but instances of a myopic, extremist, resentful and aggressive nationalism are reemerging(cf. Fratelli Tutti, 11), and new wars of domination, affecting civilians, the elderly,children and the sick are causing destruction everywhere. The many ongoing armed conflicts areof serious concern. I have said that it was a third world war being fought “piecemeal” – perhapswe can now say that it is “all out” – putting people and the planet at ever greater risk. Saint JohnPaul II gave thanks to God that, through Mary’s intercession, the world had been preserved fromatomic war. Unfortunately, we must continue to pray for protection against this danger, whichshould have been averted long ago.

All knowledge based on science and experience must be utilized to avoid wars and overcomesuffering, poverty and new forms of slavery. By rejecting research that in the past has beendestined for deadly ends, scientists around the world can unite in a common readiness to disarmscience and thus become a force for peace. In the name of God, who created all human beingsfor a common destiny of happiness, we are called today to bear witness to our fraternal vocation to freedom, justice, dialogue, mutual encounter, love and peace, and avoid nurturing hatred, resentment, division, violence and war. In the name of the God, who gave us the planet tosafeguard and develop, we are called today to ecological conversion, to save our common home and life, and that of future generations, rather than increasing inequality, exploitation anddestruction.

Dear Members of the Academy, dear friends, I encourage you to continue working for truth, freedom, dialogue, justice and peace. Today more than ever – also thanks to you! – the Catholic Church is an ally of scientists who follow this aspiration. I assure you of my prayers and, respecting each one’s beliefs, I invoke upon you God’s blessing. And please, in your own way, also pray for me. Thank you!