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Pontifical Academy of Sciences


The Pontifical Academy of Sciences is the only supranational academy of sciences in the world. Founded in Rome on 17 August 1603 as the first exclusively scientific academy in the world by Federico Cesi, Giovanni Heck, Francesco Stelluti and Anastasio de Filiis with the name Linceorum Academia, to which Galileo Galilei was appointed member on 25 August 1610, it was reestablished in 1847 by Pius IX with the name Pontificia Accademia dei Nuovi Lincei.

Its mission is to honour pure science wherever it may be found, ensure its freedom and encourage research for the progress of science. Goals of the Academy are:

  • Promoting the progress of the mathematical, physical and natural sciences, and the study of related epistemological questions and issues
  • Recognising excellence in science
  • Stimulating an interdisciplinary approach to scientific knowledge
  • Encouraging international interaction
  • Furthering participation in the benefits of science and technology by the greatest number of people and peoples
  • Promoting education and the public’s understanding of science
  • Ensuring that science works to advance of the human and moral dimension of man
  • Achieving a role for science which involves the promotion of justice, development, solidarity, peace, and the resolution of conflict
  • Fostering interaction between faith and reason and encouraging dialogue between science and spiritual, cultural, philosophical and religious values
  • Providing authoritative advice on scientific and technological matters
  • Cooperating with the members of other Academies in a friendly spirit to promote such objectives.
Board of Directors

Joachim von Braun (President), Peter K.A. Turkson (Chancellor / Director). Dario Edoardo Viganò (Vice Chancellor for Communications). Councillors: J.von Braun, W. Singer, C.-J. Chen,  E. De Robertis, E. van Dishoeck, F. Gianotti, M. Hassan, P.K.A. Turkson. 

Casina Pio IV
00120 Città del Vaticano
Tel. +39 06 698 83451
Fax +39 06 698 85218
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Services and Resources

Particularly interesting is the section “Publications”, through which it is possible to freely download the many publications produced by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, among which: ACTA, SCRIPTA VARIA, DOCUMENTA, EXTRA SERIES and COMMENTARII.

The “Events” area contains all the activities from the 1998.

The “Multimedia” section collects a series of photo and video galleries of the events held at the Casina Pio IV during the last 13 years.

Religious Confession

Christian-Catholic orientation.

Content quality review




Assessed on: March 2022