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AAAS - American Association for the Advancement of Science


The Program DOSER (Dialogue on Science, Ethics and Religion) promoted by the AAAS, has been founded in 1995 in order to facilitate the communication between scientific and religious communities. The aims are:

  • Encourage an appreciation among scientists, religious leaders, and religion scholars of the ethical, religious, and theological implications of scientific discoveries and technological innovations
  • Improve the level of scientific understanding in religious communities
  • Increase the engagement of scientific communities in the dialogue on science, ethics, and religion
  • Facilitate collaboration among scientists, ethicists, and religion scholars and leaders to address critical multidisciplinary issues related to science, ethics, and religion
  • Further public understanding of the dialogue on science, ethics, and religion.   
Board of Directors

Board of Directors: Gilda A. Barabino (AAAS Chair of the Board), Keith Yamamoto (AAAS President), Willie E. May (AAAS   President-Elect), Carolyn Ainslie (AAAS Treasurer), Sudip Parikh (Chief Executive Officer and Executive Publisher), Morton Ann Gernsbacher (Council chair). 

DoSER Staff: Dr. Katy Hinman (Program Director),Dr. Jennifer Wiseman (Director Emeritus), Curtis L. Baxter III (Senior Associate Program Director), Lilah Sloane-Barrett (Program Associate), Rachel Kline (Program Associate), Leif Castren (Program Associate) Ophir Cohen-Simayof (Project Coordinator).

1200 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20005 (USA)

Tel: 202-326 6400 

Services and Resources

The website has a page dedicated to the focus areas.

There's also a section promoting the organized events: conferences, workshops, and the Annual Meeting Symposia.

A section Resources is available to download print materials, videos and newsletters. It includes a list of External resources and organization.

Religious Confession

Not explicitely declared.

Content quality review




Assessed on: February 2022