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IRC - Ian Ramsey Centre


The Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion (IRC) conducts research into religious beliefs and theological concepts in relation to the sciences. Research into beliefs focuses on the application of scientific tools to religious phenomena, such as in the Cognitive Science of Religion (CSR). Research into theological concepts focuses principally on those metaphysical principles, such as persons, that are important to theology and are being seen from new perspectives by current developments in science. Members of the Centre also carry out extensive work on the history of science and religion, often challenging simplistic accounts of what has been a complex and varied interaction. Besides research, the Centre also runs a series of public seminars, generally once every two weeks during term time.

Board of Directors

Personnel: Mark Harris (Director of the Ian Ramsey Centre), Andrew Pinsent (Research Director); Alister McGrath (Senior Research fellow and Former Director of the Ian Ramsey Centre),  Peter Harrison (Senior Research Fellow and Former Director of the Ian Ramsey Centre), John Hedley Brooke (Senior Research Gellow and Former Director of the Ian Ramsey Centre), Daniel De Haan (Oxford Research Fellow), Samuel Hughes (Oxford Research Fellow), Pete Jordan (Exford Research Fellow), Emily Qureshi-Hurst (Oxford Research Fellow), Roger Trigg (Oxford Research Fellow, Emeritus), Marija Selak (Research Associate), Mikolaj Slawkowski-Rode (Research Associate), Ralph Weir (Research Associate), Tatiana Barkovskiy (NGRE Research Associate), Jan Czempinski (NGRE Research Associate), Jan Defranceski (NGRE Research Associate), Martyna Iwanicka (NGRE Research Associate), Nastas Jaksic (NGRE Research Associate), Kristof Vancza (NGRE Research Associate), Ignaci Silva (Research Associate and Consultant), Carl Hildebrand (Research Associate and Consultant), Michael Burdett (Researh Associate), Stanley P. Rosenberg (Research Associate), Jonathan Jong (Research Associate).

Ian Ramsey Centre – Università di Oxford

Gibson Building Radcliffe Observatory Quarter

Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6GG (England)
Tel: +44 (0)1865 270 790

Services and Resources

The "events" section includes a list of upcoming and past seminars and conferences organized by the Ian Ramsey Center, providing a presentation with abstracts of the interventions and short biographies of the speakers. In "Videos" a wide selection of lectures is available. The "Publications" section contains information about the recent books and articles published by the researchers of the Centre. They are presented with a brief summary, a table of contents and eventual reviews. 

Religious Confession

The orientation is of Christian confession.

Content quality review




Assessed on: March 2022